Something’s Changing Around Here

By The Gentleman and The Lady


After operating The Cocktail Challenge on and off for over a year we thought it was time for a change. Big things have been happening and we noticed it was starting to get a little more serious around here so we thought it was necessary to update our look so that it matched. This means business cards, because it’s business time. We used our connections and managed to come up with a design that matches the mood and look we are going for with the blog. It’s classy and playful, something that mixes old school style with new school design techniques. It’s like a wedding where we’ve got something old (the style), something new (the technique), something borrowed (the designer who is a good friend of ours and does some pretty cool work), and something blue…actually we don’t have anything blue, but 3 out of 4 ain’t bad. We’re pretty excited to be rolling out our new look for you, our loyal audience, and you will be able to find it across our blog, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram across the next few days.

Business Card

While the new look is super exciting four us we also can’t wait to tell you about our latest adventure involving Cocktail Challenge regulars Four Pillars. It’s something a little bit different for the blog but something we really enjoyed and hope to do more of in the future. Look out for it later in the week. In the meantime, stay classy internet.

Business Card

As always remember to like, share, and follow The Cocktail Challenge on FacebookTwitterInstagram and Pinterest.


The Return

So this site has been neglected for quite some time but people keep coming to it so it might be time to return to the Cocktail Challenge. This time I’ll not only be writing about the cocktails I make and drink but also some of the home experiments I’ve been doing, like infused spirits! Who knows, I may even post a few boozefood combinations (seriously I’m thinking of trademarking that term, move over dudefood cause boozefood is taking over). So lets get sauced together!


As always remember to like, share, and follow The Cocktail Challenge on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest.

The Challenge

Cocktails are great and the Ultimate Bar Book by Mittie Hellmich and published by Chronicle Books in 2006 has over 1,000 different cocktails as well as all the background knowledge required to be a competent mixologist.


I decided to set myself the rather large challenge of documenting the experience of making and drinking the 1,000 different cocktails listed in Hellmich’s book. It is going to be a long and expensive challenge, but I’m prepared to make that sacrifice in the name of getting drunk and becoming a cocktail snob. Along the way I’ll also comment on any drinks I happen to have out on the town or concoctions I try to experiment with at home all in the name of science…or something. 

